
• To undertake research into ultra-precision machining technologies and nano-surface metrology so as to bridge the gap in technology between Mainland China and overseas countries such as USA, UK, Japan, etc.

• To develop the capability and research expertise in Hong Kong and Mainland China in ultra-precision machining, advanced optics manufacturing and surface measurement used in various industries such as photonics, telecommunication, environmental, automotive, optometry and biomedical.

• To uphold the manufacturing technologies for critical precision and optical components and applications in various industries. As a result, Hong Kong and Mainland China will be capable of designing and manufacturing these components without the need for relying on the import of technology from overseas.

• To conduct research and establish ultra-precision freeform measurement technologies and standards which will help to enhance the surface quality of advanced optics and critical precision components.

• To enhance the capability of Hong Kong and Mainland China in the design, fabrication and measurement of precision optical components.

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