The Partner State Key Laboratory of Ultra-precision Machining Technology (PSKL of UPMT) has collaborated with Changchun University of Science and Technology in organizing the third Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture (APCOM) from 26th to 28th in August of 2012 in Changchun, China. The APCOM was initiated by the research team of PSKL in 2007. APCOM aims to provide an exciting platform for the international exchange of latest research findings and developments in the area of optical design, advanced optics manufacturing technology and optical measurement. It also intends to promote sharing of ideas and emerging technologies, as well as to foster R&D collaboration amongst academics, research institutions and the related industries. More than 15 experts in different fields are invited to deliver keynote speeches at the conference with delegates from 8 countries. About 100 papers have been received from over 23 institutes and organizations.

Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture 2012 (APCOM2012)
Date: 26-28th August 2012
Venue: Changchun, China
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